Podcast Archives

2023 Podcasts

The Secret| Happy New Year

I Am a Person

Your Loss… I will Send you a Sympathy Card

You Need a Judas

Directions Mean Nothing in the Dark

Are You Worried About Being Fired?***

I Am a Bad Friend

My Judas

My Valentines


Wealth Comes Outside of Work***

I Am Better than this

The Year of the Money Bag***

Dress to BE the Person

Netflix VS Blockbuster***

My Bday

Price= Values***

Who Is Me?

If You do this People will not work for you***

Your Ability to Grow

Not Weak, Just Tired

Creating Self

EMOtional Check IN

The Anti-Choosen One

Life is Hard

Anger| Me in the Red Room

I Am Not in the Mood

I Sink…You Sink…We Sink Together

Life is to Short for Bad Relationships

Self Imposed Limited Beliefs

The Gaslight

Freedom is a State of Mind

Family Betrayal

Is Settling Comfortable?

Maintaining a Lifestyle ?

The Matrix and the Migraine

Physiological Stress

The Stress of it All

Relationships Stopping Your Growth

The Universe’s Classroom


Self Change

Halloween Horror: Cease and Desist Letter from my own Father

Enforcing Negative Self Narratives

If you secure valuable things, why don’t you secure yourself? ***

Embracing the Aggressor

Adapt or Die

People Who Try to Cut Your Wings


You have no Vision and I don’t Respect You


Andrew Tate

If You Are Sexy You Have No Credentials

Justina Miles

RIP Jacky Oh

Limited Series of 2023

 The limited series started July 1 and goes until July 25. 4 episode series. As many people know, I had more lousy luck coupled with getting sick. This was a personal setback for me. I almost blew my life up with my emotional state. Generally, this would be produced as a regular podcast. Still, I decided to make it separate because while it is personal, I wanted to give examples of how I used the principles below to “fix” my life.


  1. Stoic Principles
  2. Courage
  3. Temperance 
  4. Wisdom

 The limited series started January 5 and goes until January 26. It is four episodes about starting a business. I talk about the business plan, making money and more. To run a successful business, you have to be wise; many companies have been done before, and the internet has made it so people are not as unique as they once were. People do not have to get products locally. They can get them wherever. This means that to operate a business, you need to offer yourself. You are the thing that makes your business different. Your personality, your style and your authenticity. These are the tools that will you keep your customers.


  1. Design Your Life
  2. The Business Plan
  3. Income
  4. Setting Time

2022 Podcasts

2021 Podcasts

So happy to have the fabulous Hebah, who is an outstanding female entrepreneur. She is a master of self-development, and it is an honor to collaborate with her. She is a fountain of knowledge and a strong and resilient woman.

We both believe in Empowering Women and being empowered ourselves. As businesswomen, we know first hand that trying to have it all is a balance. However, being in business and running a business requires much self-development. Self-development requires tools, which we both aim to provide.

You are Officially Invited to Empowerment Room.

This podcast is easy listening to; we laugh, talk about business, personal issues, and conquering the battles.

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