This is Me Letting You Go


Heidi Priebe

This is an interesting book again very practical. I think this book is almost like dealing with grief after a break Up. I would say it’s like your brain speaking to your heart. Priebe so eloquently says the things that we all want to say but it’s too painful to say. It’s a rational heart and brain conversation. It’s a conversation of “goodbye for the better”. 

I enjoyed this book (the narrators voice was flat).  However, the content is really good, it’s practical and I think if you are going through a breakup you will find this book helpful. She goes through all the scenarios, such as “delete my number, because I’ve deleted yours”. Not being around for the persons 50th birthday, not being able to share news about your life. She explores the grieving process, but more so she explores the personal grief. She explains that the only way one can fill a void from the person is to become a new person that is everything we want in someone else.  

Priebe is rationally and logically speaking from the point that nothing lasts forever. And the wrong person is just that the wrong person. We maybe upset and take it personal but in the end and through the process of heartbreak it becomes evident that we create a better relationship for ourselves. 

The one question she asked is “ if you were told that you had no soulmate, how would your life change? “ can you answer that question ?  Ideally how much of your life is on hold waiting for a person? 

I would recommend this book and I will probably get myself a hard copy. This book is good as audiobook but also it has some very good gems, so it is worth owning.

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