Why Do We Get Holiday Blues?

Simple...because our expectations are not met by our timelines

I have been dreading writing this blog because I say the same thing every year. I’ll be spending my Christmas coupled up with someone. I have this perfect vision of spending the holidays with some boyfriend I have at the time. You know, Christmas movie-worthy. Like we sip hot chocolate, by some fireplace, and oh ya, he’s like an orphan or something, so he has no family. Ya, I’m that dark. 

But once again, I find myself out of a relationship due to, let’s say, differences. But this year, something has shifted. Not to get all existential, but my image isn’t plausible as I genuinely don’t want that. It sounds fantastic to say, like doesn’t every girl want and say that. But genuinely, I’m the Grinch, and my perfect Christmas would be my beloved dog, a heated blanket, hot chocolate with whip cream, jazz Christmas music playing in the background, some corny Christmas movie, and ultimately being alone in silence. 

However, I got close to this vision; in the past, my family would make a big dinner, or I would go to my sister’s in-laws’ house. But over the years, I enjoy sleeping, which I don’t get to do often enough. What’s worse is adulting is hard, and aside from running a successful business, I also work and do various other things. So my sleep and energy have become increasingly important hence why I have not been blogging. 

The truth is I can’t stand many people; I like my space and privacy. But, honestly, over Christmas, I want to harness my energy and switch to a productive version of myself in the year to come. So Christmas is my time to bah humbug in peace and then get all love and light in January. 

But now, let’s get into why you are here; you either want to be alone on Christmas because you’re an introvert, or you planned to be with someone and didn’t work out. 

Let me say that Christmas is wonderful, and it should be about family, peace and all that positive junk. But it’s also a time of significant reflection and major self-growth. If you’re single, this is a primary opportunity to reevaluate your year, as I’ve said here. You want to understand what worked for you and what didn’t work. This is the time to create space. If you are in a relationship, you could still do that but maybe be careful because your person might have to go. 

So like, what’s the point? My point is that Christmas is wonderful and whether you are alone or with someone or family. So don’t miss the opportunity to reflect on the year. I love an excellent reflection as it is optimal to end one’s year. How can you have a better year if you have no idea how this one went. And I am sorry, living in pandemic times, there are undoubtedly many things you could reflect on. One major thing is that we can not get time or moments back. We can’t get people back, so learning to expel energy is essential. Now I am not saying you should complain, although complaining but then resolving is like a prescription. But trying to figure out how you could better spend your time is critical. 

If you are in an inadequate space this holiday like 95% of the world, then think about changes you could create next year. As for myself, I have decided that relationships in 2022 are not a thing. I want to focus on my company, investments and studying. Those are where my head is. And if you are not speaking to me about any of those things, see you later. This year I have wasted a lot of time, which I can not account for or makeup. I am treating my energy like money, and it is expensive. So that means I am only speaking when I need to.

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