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NEW Playlist of 2025

Welcome to the new and improved content! This podcast now streams every Tuesday  at 12 pm. The Green Bold Podcasts are business related, until they start streaming back at there usual time.

Special event  podcasts about me are the Pink.

 2025- Hello

Never Put All Your Eggs in one Basket


Belief System Has Nothing to do With Your Performance ( Trust No one)

Stop adding Things to Your Life You Have to Maintain

The Crabs in the Barrel

Thank God For Closed Doors

Clean Up Your Image***

Truth Vs Honesty

How to become a Whole Person

Series: Standing on Business

We are thrilled to unveil our upcoming podcast series, “Stand on Business,” set to launch this April! Also Kiki’s Bday Month! With the podcast, coming back this month, after a long hiatus Kiki goes into details about standing on business. This means literally being about what you say and being able to mean what you say. Let us stop letting people live rent free in our heads!

  1. I said, What I said
  2. Girl, what did you say?
  3. And exactly, who are you?
  4. Keep my name out your mouth!
  5. I am not number 1 or number 2- Try again!


The Bonus section is where you can find the bonus podcasts that I release. These are not part of the weekly Tuesday or Thursday segments. Most of them will be on trending topics and they just come out on whatever day.

Thoughts on Goals

Fed Up

Series: Inventing Confidence

Coming soon! While Kiki has been away with fixing her life and re-branding this podcast series is about losing all your confidence, inventing confidence and then finally coming to terms with self.

  1. Don’t need your attention
  2. Reframing self esteem
  3. Identity Change
  4. Healthy Habits
  5. I am Me

Breathe Series 2025

Coming Soon!

Must Listens

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