Taking a Break

Occasionally,  you have to take a pause. Sometimes we all work for too much, party too much, spend, travel too much and do too much. But the mind and the body can become disconnected, so your body starts reacting. Sometimes it is a subtle reaction like a headache, getting a cold, or body pain. But every so often, it becomes far more intense and can lead to your body breaking down. Aside from the physical aspect, there also may come a time when your emotional health dives because you have ignored the physical parts of your body, saying to take a break. This happened to me; I had been working like the mad hatter at a tea party and living like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. My catchphrase is, “I am late, I am late.” It happened one day when I was calm, or so I thought. Life has been stressful, and I have been taking it internally; I have been working a lot and not caring for my emotional health, which started with a massive migraine that made me no longer functional.

As I said on the podcast, I had surgery, and my body is not been the same since then. I paused after surgery, and sitting and doing nothing was so great. However, I then picked up where I left off because I needed to return to work. So I hit the ground running, re-marketing my business and re-launching projects. I realized quickly my body could not work those excessive hours I used to. While it is possible, I struggle with routine and getting myself together because I am chasing cash. I also know that I need to rest my body and listen to it when it is in overdrive. What ended up happening to me is that all this led to my brain literally getting inflamed and having to sit out and rest. The after-effect, also called I realized I could not have my luxe lifestyle from the grave. You want to generate income and be stress-free to create a good life. Look below:

Observation, orient, decide and act.

Take A Pause for the Cause

Observation is critical in change or wanting to navigate your life. Before you can change your life or yourself, you must know the issue. To understand the necessary change, you need to observe your surroundings, your mannerisms and your current mood. I talk about this a lot on the podcast: the ability to audit, another word for the observer. But an audit is active observation where you engage with what you observe. 

Orient means to align with your observation; this is the situation. How do y u align with what is happening? How do you make that shift? In the current case you are in, what is it going to take from you to deal with it or to pull through further it? Difficult situations often require a heightened level of greatness that we may not possess yet. I think of that as the flight or fight response. Sometimes it is a quick response that will not last too long.

Decide one of the most challenging things to do. If people could make decisions, we would be much ahead. But people can decide; they can not even decide what to make for lunch, much less what they need to do in a situation. People lack confidence in general, but when making decisions, they don’t want to do that because they don’t want to take accountability. They don’t want to be responsible for a wrong decision. The issue with deciding is accountability. I hate when people say, “I don’t make decisions” yes, you do. If you are a human, you make them all the time.

As you noticed when exploring these concepts, acting gets much more complicated as you get down the list, and acting is stiff. This is because so many people live sedentary lives but complain about their lives but do not realize how passive it is. So they never work, life happens, and they cry or have a mastermind of people who will sit and listen to many complaints. And then you always have the other person who is an actor; they never go through the thinking process; they act and reap the repercussions of their actions.

Overall, this method works and rather than being impulsive this is something that makes you stronger.

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